These mapping layers were updated:
- Census Tract
- Tracts: EPA EJScreen 2024
- Block Groups: Low Income
- Ozone Percentile
These new mapping layers were added:
- Broadband Availability
- Refueling Infrastructure Tax Credit (30C, 2011-2015)
- Refueling Infrastructure Tax Credit (30C, 2016-2020)
- Refueling Infrastructure Tax Credit (30C, Non-urban)
This mapping layer was updated:
- Important Bird Areas
This new mapping layer was added:
- Truck Parking - National Highway System
These mapping layers were updated:
- Clean Cities Coalition Boundaries
- Electric Planning Areas
- FHWA Designated CNG Corridor (Rounds 1-8)
- FHWA Designated Electric Vehicle Corridor (Rounds 1-8)
- FHWA Designated Hydrogen Corridor (Rounds 1-8)
- FHWA Designated LPG Corridor (Rounds 1-8)
- Power Plants
- Power Plants - Solar
- Power Plants - Wind
These mapping layers were updated:
- Alternative Fuel Stations - All Types
- Alternative Fuel Stations - CNG
- Alternative Fuel Stations - Hydrogen
- Alternative Fuel Stations - LPG
- Electric Vehicle Charging Stations (Non-Tesla DC Fast)
- Electric Vehicle Charging Stations (Non-Tesla Level 2)
- Electric Vehicle Charging Stations (Planned)
- Electric Vehicle Charging Stations (Tesla DC Fast)
- Electric Vehicle Charging Stations (Tesla Level 2)
- FHWA Designated CNG Corridor (Rounds 1-7)
- FHWA Designated Electric Vehicle Corridor (Rounds 1-7)
- FHWA Designated Hydrogen Corridor (Rounds 1-7)
- FHWA Designated LPG Corridor (Rounds 1-7)
These new mapping layers were added:
- Climate layers from the Climate Risk and Resilience Portal (ClimRR,, including:
- Annual Average Wind Speed
- Annual Temperature Maximum
- Annual Temperature Minimum
- Consecutive Days with No Precipitation
- Cooling Degree Days
- Fire Weather Index - Wildfire
- Heating Degree Days
- Seasonal Temperature Maximum
- Seasonal Temperature Minimum
- Summer Heat Index
- Total Annual Precipitation (in)
- Critical Habitat - Areas (NOAA)
- Critical Habitat - Lines (NOAA)
A 2:48-long video about GEM's capabilities is now available at
The following new tools were added to GEM:
- A File tool, at the top right of the Legend, imports GIS files for display on the map. These files are only loaded into local browser memory for the current session.
- Measure in the map display provides tools to measure lengths and areas.
- Draw in the map display provides tools to sketch lines and polygons on the map, and to delete or modify them.
- Print in the map display generates a printable snapshot of the current map with legend tiles of the displayed content.
- A Scale Bar has also been added to the map display.
A new Plug-in Electric Vehicle Registrations mapping layer has been added, based on Experian's 2022 and 2023 data aggregated to the county level.
The "Wind Turbine - Existing Location" mapping layer was updated and renamed "Wind Turbine Database v6.1".
These new mapping layers were added:
- Climate and Economic Justice Screening Tool v1.0 (Climate)
- Climate and Economic Justice Screening Tool v1.0 (Energy)
- Climate and Economic Justice Screening Tool v1.0 (Transportation)
- Climate and Economic Justice Screening Tool v1.0 (Water)
- Mining Claims
- USDA Cultivated Land
These mapping layers were updated:
- Stream / River
- Water Body
These new mapping layers were added:
- Grazing Allotments
- Land Cover - Hawaii
- National Conservation Areas
- National Land Cover Database - Alaska
- Visual Resource Inventory Areas
- Wild Horse and Burro Herd Management Areas
These mapping layers were updated:
- National Land Cover Database - Lower 48 States
These new mapping layers were added:
- Areas of Critical Environmental Concern
- BLM National Landscape Conservation System
- BLM Wilderness Study Areas
- City Boundary
- Forest Service - Ranger Districts
- Forest Service - Regions
- Forest Service Boundary
- Forest Service Jurisdiction
These mapping layers were updated:
- BLM District and Field Office Boundaries
- National Park Service Boundary
- Specially Designated Area - Fish and Wildlife Service
- Specially Designated Area - Forest Service
- Transmission Lines
- Urban Area
- Wilderness Areas
These new mapping layers were added:
- NAAQS Non-Attainment Area (2008 Std) - 8-Hour Ozone
- NAAQS Non-Attainment Area (2015 Std) - 8-Hour Ozone
- NAAQS Non-Attainment Area (1978 Std) - Lead
- NAAQS Non-Attainment Area (2008 Std) - Lead
- NAAQS Non-Attainment Area (1987 Std) - PM 10
- NAAQS Non-Attainment Area (1997 Std) - PM 2.5
- NAAQS Non-Attainment Area (2006 Std) - PM 2.5
- NAAQS Non-Attainment Area (2012 Std) - PM 2.5
- NAAQS Non-Attainment Area (1971 Std) - SO2
- NAAQS Non-Attainment Area (2010 Std) - SO2
These mapping layers were updated:
- National Conservation Easement Database
These new mapping layers were added:
- National Historic Landmark Points
- National Historic Landmark Areas
- EPA Facility Registration Service
- Public Land Survey System - Townships
- Public Land Survey System - Sections
- Plan Boundaries - Forest Service
- Plan Boundaries - Bureau of Land Management
These mapping layers were updated:
- Congressional Districts - 118th Congress
- Critical Habitat - Lines
- Critical Habitat - Areas
- EPA EJScreen 2023
- EPA Brownfield Sites (RE-Powering Americas Land)
- Formerly Used Defense Site Areas
- Formerly Used Defense Site Points
These new mapping layers were added:
- Principal Ports
- Solar Photovoltaic Facilities Database
These mapping layers were updated:
- Airfield Runways
- Aviation Facilities
- Federal Land (Surface Management Agency)
- Historic Area Feature - National Register of Historic Places
- Historic Point Feature - National Register of Historic Places
- National Historic Trails
- National Scenic Trails
- National Wild and Scenic Rivers System
- Railroads
- Watershed (HUC2)
- Watershed (HUC8)
The following mapping layers were updated:
- Alternative Fuel Stations - All Types
- Alternative Fuel Stations - CNG
- Alternative Fuel Stations - Hydrogen
- Alternative Fuel Stations - LPG
- Electric Vehicle Charging Stations (Non-Tesla DC Fast)
- Electric Vehicle Charging Stations (Non-Tesla Level 2)
- Electric Vehicle Charging Stations (Tesla DC Fast)
- Electric Vehicle Charging Stations (Tesla Level 2)
- Electric Vehicle Charging Stations (Planned)
- FHWA Designated Electric Vehicle Corridor (Rounds 1-7)
- FHWA Designated CNG Corridor (Rounds 1-7)
- FHWA Designated Hydrogen Corridor (Rounds 1-7)
- FHWA Designated LPG Corridor (Rounds 1-7)
- Tribal Reservation
New Layers:
- Alaska Native Regional Corporation Boundaries
- Clean Cities Coalition Boundaries